So you’ve had a blood test and the doctor has told you your HbA1c is too high.
You’ll likely be recommended some drugs like metformin to help manage it, but ultimately you must CHANGE HOW YOU EAT IN ORDER TO LOWER THE SUGARS IN YOUR BLOOD.
The good news is that high HbA1c of pre-diabetes is reversible by diet, and not medication so don’t rely on that to save your health.
For the technically minded
The hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) test measures the amount of sugar that is attached to your hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the part of your red blood cells that carries oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body.
A blood cell lasts for approximately three months, so the HbA1c test shows the average of your blood glucose levels over this length of time.
A result of 40 mmol/mol or lower is considered normal.

If you have high HbA1c you have insulin resistance.
The carbs you’re eating get broken down into sugars. The sugars enter the blood stream. Insulin is released in order to deliver the sugars to your cells. The insulin receptors on the cells are ‘tired and worn out’ and they wont respond to the insulin delivering the sugars.
Having failed to get the cells to accept the sugars, the insulin tries to get the liver to take in the glucose which it will do until it reaches saturation.
Once the liver stores are full with sugars the liver then starts repackaging the glucose into fat molecules and sending it to be stored in fat cells, hence the increase in body fat levels associated with impaired insulin metabolism.
With the correct nutrition plan & monitoring you will...
Reverse insulin resistance
Return HbA1c to healthy levels
Reduce inflammation
Reduce uric acid levels
Improve kidney function
Improve liver health
Lose excess body fat
We will work together for as long as it takes.
I will design you a nutrition plan that achieves all of the above. It will be modified based on how your blood markers respond, and also to keep things interesting.
We will check-in every week either by phone, email or WhatsApp to review your food diary and blood glucose values.
If you’re on fast acting and/or slow acting insulin we will slowly taper them down as we adjust your food choices. The goal being you will no longer require insulin, and have normal glucose metabolism again.
NOTE: if you don’t do something to change your diet and reduce the high blood glucose levels you will damage your body’s organs. Possible long-term effects include damage to large and small blood vessels, which can lead to heart attack, stroke, and problems with the kidneys, eyes, gums, feet, and nerves. You don’t want that.